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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)

Sign In

Each member must have a separate individual account. Households may share a joint email address, if needed.

For NEW OLLI Members

Creating your username: Choose something unique to you, with a minimum of SIX characters.
You may use any combination of letters and numbers. Username is not case-sensitive.

Creating your password: Choose something unique to you, with a minimum of NINE characters.
You may use any combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters (!@#$%^&*-+=|<>?/\). Password is case-sensitive and must be entered the same way each time.

Note: Once you have created your NEW account here, sign-in with your NEW username and password to pay for your membership. 


Sign in to your existing account using your username and password. If you cannot remember your username or password, use the links below to “Find MY Username” or “Reset My Password”. Be sure to update your “PROFILE” page before you move on to the next page.

Please contact the OLLI office at: 775-784-8053 or email at if you experience technical difficulties.

Sign In to Existing Account

Create New Account

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